But, before we depart for Thailand, I have a LOT of getting in shape to do (in a month's time). I know, it's pretty ridiculous of me to expect much out of last minute working out, but I am going to do my best! I have a schedule of classes that I have signed up for at the YMCA: Mondays Zumba in the morning, stability ball in the evening; Tuesdays Zumba; Wedensdays Zumba in the morning, stability ball in the evening (although, I probably won't do this, because my favorite Summer event takes place Wednesday nights); Thursdays Zumba; Fridays Zumba, Saturdays Core Conditioning. And, of course, I will add other exercises to that list independently. I also have to work on my eating habits (as always). I can be a really healthy eater, but I just LOVE food, so I often eat way too much!
There's no excuse for me not to work out at least an hour a day for the next month, as I have no work schedule to abide by! I am really looking forward to starting these classes, and getting into a really healthy eating routine. I plan to cook from my new "How to Cook Everything: Vegetarian" cookbook a lot! I have already made several things from this book that have turned out deliciously! I will blog about them soon, as blogging is another thing that I can do a lot more of with my new found free time. I actually made a list of what to do in my spare time, as you'd be surprised how easily time can get away from you without a set schedule!
Well, I'm off to do something with my day -- to be determined!