Saturday, May 29, 2010

Time to buckle down!

School is OUT for the Summer!!! I am so happy to have two months off of work to do what I want with. I am supposed to be working at the nursing homes PRN (as needed) throughout the Summer, but so far they have only been calling for me on the weekends (when I'm usually camping, or out of town). I need the money for our big trip to Thailand, so I hope they start giving me weekday hours soon! Speaking of Thailand, we are indeed still going!!! I am re-excited. For a while there (being my pessimistic self) I was convinced we weren't going. I had even checked out just about every travel book from every country from the library. I returned them yesterday, as I returned to my day dreaming of elephant rides, snorkeling in pristine turquoise water, and Thai cooking classes.

But, before we depart for Thailand, I have a LOT of getting in shape to do (in a month's time). I know, it's pretty ridiculous of me to expect much out of last minute working out, but I am going to do my best! I have a schedule of classes that I have signed up for at the YMCA: Mondays Zumba in the morning, stability ball in the evening; Tuesdays Zumba; Wedensdays Zumba in the morning, stability ball in the evening (although, I probably won't do this, because my favorite Summer event takes place Wednesday nights); Thursdays Zumba; Fridays Zumba, Saturdays Core Conditioning. And, of course, I will add other exercises to that list independently. I also have to work on my eating habits (as always). I can be a really healthy eater, but I just LOVE food, so I often eat way too much!

There's no excuse for me not to work out at least an hour a day for the next month, as I have no work schedule to abide by! I am really looking forward to starting these classes, and getting into a really healthy eating routine. I plan to cook from my new "How to Cook Everything: Vegetarian" cookbook a lot! I have already made several things from this book that have turned out deliciously! I will blog about them soon, as blogging is another thing that I can do a lot more of with my new found free time. I actually made a list of what to do in my spare time, as you'd be surprised how easily time can get away from you without a set schedule!

Well, I'm off to do something with my day -- to be determined!

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